How do I teach my child ELA?
English Learning Arts (ELA) is one of the key subjects taught in United States schools, and generally consists of 5 categories: reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing. And while every teacher may have a unique approach to teaching the curriculum, you can find the general Common Core Standards here to get a better idea of how to prepare students for life outside the classroom.
- Familiarize yourself with the ELA standards of each grade level as your child grows
- Read with your child (we love Epic Books, which is now free for kids!)
- Find worksheets and games online like those on Khan Academy, IXL, and NewsELA
- Try out top rated in-home workbooks, like Learning Without Tears (for K-grade 5)
- Hire ELA specialists with certified teaching experience to assess your child’s ELA level and personally support your child’s learning. Find more about “How to find the best ELA tutor” or a list of top 5 online ELA tutors here.
Top ELA worksheets
To help you support your child’s literacy development, we’ve provided free ELA resources, worksheets,games, and research-backed techniques to teach reading, writing, and phonemic awareness. Whether your child is advanced or is struggling a bit, our content offers hands-on, relevant, and fun ways to read and write with confidence.
This resource is for you, so let us know what’s working or what’s not. Email us at hello@dearest.io to share your own best practices or ideas that have worked for you when teaching your little ones how to read!