Dedicated childcare concierge for your building’s community

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    Book passionate childhood specialists who provide educational babysitting and tutoring
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    Progress report sent to families, after each session
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    Payment and booking account management

Concierge valued at $65/month per family, offered free to your residents

Help residents gain access to trusted educators

  • diploma
    Carefully selected through our rigorous 7-step screening process, including in-person interviews and practical assessments
  • diploma
    Proven track record of quality teaching and childcare experience
  • diploma
    Background and reference checked
Passionate Educators
< 3%
Acceptance Rate
Columbia Teachers CollegeHunter CollegeBank Street CollegeJulliardStandfordCornell University

How to bring Dearest to your building

1. Submit a quick

form here

Complete a short survey and we’ll send you an email to get started.

2. We create your

building page

We’ll set up customized building-dedicated tool for your residents to access vetted childcare within just 3 business days.

3. Your residents enjoy

the amenity

Announce to residents!
We’ll bring marketing materials and provide on-site events upon request.

Common questions

  • What’s included in the free offer?
    Our building-dedicated family concierge helps parents in your building find highly vetted childcare and tutors. Families create an account, and manage bookings and payments using our platform. Our specialist helps with the matching and coordination; which is the biggest pain point for parents in the city.
  • How much does it cost for residents?
    Residents have free access to the family concierge. The childcare sessions are $25-$35/hour depending on the length of the sessions and qualifications of the educators. 8% processing charge applies which is for credit card processing and platform fee. The tutoring rate is comparable to the market price and the tutors are highly vetted and experienced. Many families request for small-group shared sessions, and the concierge facilitates the arrangement based on their request.
  • Do you offer other services?
    Yes, we help buildings provide children’s education and childcare as a lifestyle amenity. Without building out playrooms and swimming pools, we deliver early childhood education classes and events that turn underutilized spaces into classrooms that bring tenants together; helping the marketing and retention efforts of the buildings.
  • I have other questions
    Contact us anytime anytime at and we will get back to you within 1 business day!

About Dearest

Founded by two Stanford grads with background in business, education, and technology, Dearest is the newest marketing and retention tool for residential and commercial buildings.

Our community tool brings tenants together and supports their childcare and education needs; creating a support system that families cannot live without.

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